Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bisous, Mes Amis

I had planned my first party and I was truly new place...I was giddy picking out the plates and cocktails and invitations and napkins and sweets and dishes and sparkly things and candles and music and food, oh my! As everyone knows, I cherish all the little details of an event and this was no exception. Especially because everyone on the guest list was coming! I wanted it to be perfect and yummy and full of great fun.

A bit of side grandma left me all of four to five appetizer recipes, so the fun always begins when I try to find something in the box to make its debut as an "appetizer" versus its original intentions!! So, tonight, I will attempt to masquerade a fish sauce as a shrimp dip! ha ha And, this sauce was going to need some work...let's be honest, one has to wonder when all the ingredients add up to a whole lot of mayo...I sure was curious. And, it didn't help that the next main ingredient was dill. The last herb on the list of favorites. But, plug along and have faith in grandma because she has been pretty kick ass so far. Did I mention that the sauce is titled "Deluxe #1"? Is that not hysterical?! Deluxe. That word has so aptly fell out of "cool" is truly outmoded. But, on the other hand, it reminds us of our childhood past when something could seem bigger than life...big burgers and sassy sedans and art sets and pizza. But, I digress. Tonight, it's about the shrimp.

I started to mix the ingredients. For those of you that have read the last blog, you know that at this point there are no measuring cups in the house, so this is going to get interesting. Honestly, I was 100% okay with it. I mean it was all going to come down to taste so a bit more of this or a bit less of that was totally kosher. I squirted in the mayo (such an odd food!),  vinegar, tabasco, Wocestershire (coolest food word ever!), and threw in the herbs. At this point, it was all about tasting and adding and tasting and adding and tasting, etc. That's a lot of mayo tasting...ugh! Just thinking about it makes me gag!! I know, so dramatic! It truly needed more dill and tarragon and tabasco and parsley, but at no point, did it need any more mayo!!!!!!! ha ha

I chilled it and prayed to the food gods that it would be delicious with the shrimp. Now, nothing against my grandmother, but we decided to grab a jar of cocktail sauce just in case!!! Both sauces would accompany the shrimp to the party...but, as luck would have it, my grandmother's sauce was the belle of the ball and the cocktail sauce didn't even know what hit it. It was such a pleasant surprise and the sauce became a dip. A dip that everyone loved.

By the way, the party was a smash, and one of my favorite things was telling all the glorious stories of Paris...those of you that were here know what the best story was...I will never forget the jaws dropping in the kitchen!! hee hee

As it stands~
guests- 16
emotions- one big yummy smile of joy
mistakes- lots...but they were all on purpose, so I will let you decide
meltdowns- about 5, every time I had to taste it when it just tasted like mayo
recipes to date- 15

The Recipe~

Dill Sauce Deluxe #1

1 cup of mayonnaise
2 tbsp vinegar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp marinated sweet pickle (I didn't include because I think it is yucky!)
1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
4 drops Tabasco sauce
1/4 tsp powdered mustard
1/2 tsp tarragon (used fresh)
1 tsp parsley (used fresh)
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill

Mix all ingredients. Serve with fish. OR SERVE WITH SHRIMP!! ha ha